1: Discover the perfect high-protein veggie sandwich formula for a delicious and nutritious meal.

2: Start with a whole grain bread base to add fiber and protein to your sandwich.

3: Layer on your favorite plant-based protein options like tofu, tempeh, or chickpeas.

4: Add a variety of fresh, colorful veggies for vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

5: Don't forget to include a healthy fat like avocado or hummus for added flavor and satiety.

6: Spice things up with herbs and spices like basil, oregano, or cumin for an extra kick.

7: Experiment with different sauces and condiments to personalize your high-protein veggie sandwich.

8: Enjoy a satisfying and nutrient-dense meal with this simple and versatile sandwich formula.

9: Fuel your body with the only high-protein veggie sandwich recipe you'll ever need!

