1: "Child's Pose is great for stretching and relieving tension in the lower back."
2: "Cat-Cow Pose helps to gently flex and extend the spine, reducing back pain."
3: "Downward Dog strengthens the back muscles and improves flexibility to ease discomfort."
4: "Cobra Pose can alleviate stiffness by opening up the front body and stretching the back."
5: "Bridge Pose targets the lower back and hips, providing relief from tightness."
6: "Seated Forward Fold elongates the spine and hamstrings, promoting lower back comfort."
7: "Pigeon Pose releases tension in the hips and back, aiding in pain relief."
8: "Supine Twist stretches the spine and glutes, reducing lower back discomfort."
9: "Standing Forward Bend lengthens the entire back body, offering relief from tightness."
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