1: "1. Lack of sunlight can lead to lower vitamin D levels, affecting cholesterol production."
2: "2. Cold weather can increase cravings for unhealthy, high-cholesterol comfort foods."
3: "3. Reduced physical activity during winter can contribute to weight gain and higher cholesterol levels."
4: "4. Holiday stress and lack of sleep can impact cholesterol levels negatively."
5: "5. Winter months may lead to decreased consumption of heart-healthy fruits and vegetables."
6: "6. Seasonal affective disorder can lead to emotional eating and higher cholesterol levels."
7: "7. Colder temperatures can reduce motivation for outdoor exercise, impacting cholesterol levels."
8: "8. Increased alcohol consumption during winter holidays can raise cholesterol levels."
9: "9. Cold weather can lead to higher levels of stress hormones which can affect cholesterol metabolism."
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